Sunday, February 13, 2011

The further norm administration case registers for the record

The house dismantles to move to wait case to adjust place 1021
Aim at case that the house of social deep concern dismantle to move to wait administration currently, Liu Yu fluently says, all save a court to review to knot administration case in 201011358, set administration the case rule over rules, the further norm administration case registers for the record.Controversy of building up the administration moderates a mechanism and dismantles to move to the house that easily causes community affairs, the business enterprise change the system to etc. case to carry on coordination and adjust a case 1021.Release "administration judgment White Paper", push forward judicatory and administration positive interaction.Develop case that land imposition and house dismantle to move the special subject investigate and put forward opinion suggestions like"perfect and related kit system, unified compensate standard, norm land collect procedure",etc, the provincial government prints to deliver whole provinceses to guide a work.

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