Friday, February 25, 2011

The highest noon passed in and out the ships of those two harbors to almost and all cancel a voyage plan around 9

(Responsibility editor:Yellow black patent leather belt gucci belts for men sea)
People net Shanghai gives or gets an electric shock to start last night on January 23, a heavy mist quietly influences Shanghai, and the international voyage ships in the whole city main port has started postponing western belts since this morning or cancels a voyage plan.Currently, the heavy mist not yet spreads to go and results in serious influence gucci belts for men for the normal immigration order of seaport.
According to from outside Gao Qiao Bian check station learn of, this heavy mist last night beginning continuously influence the main port inside Shanghai City, go to this morning around 7:00, outside Gao Qiao is wharf and ocean mountain deep water harbor these wide waist belts two Shanghai main of nations western belts and buckles gathered pack wharf ships pass in and out beginning obviously Be blocked.The highest noon passed in and out the ships of those two harbors to almost and all cancel a voyage plan around 9:00.

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